Rainy Day

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I LOVE rainy days!

Today was especially special because I got to listen to the rain, rock Lawson in a cozy rocker, wrapped up in a blanket, read my Bible then watch "Water for Elephants".

Lawson took a 3 hour nap on my chest and I had a complete peace about it.

I love that I can blog about my day mainly because one day I may want to remember what I did on Wednesday January 25th, 2012.

Lawson wakes at 3:30am, I nurse him and put him back down.

He doesn't go back down.

I get frustrated at Adam because Lawson won't go back down, makes sense, right?

Rock Lawson back to sleep make an unsuccessful transfer back to his crib and shh-pat for 10 minutes until he falls back asleep.

Wide awake I check FB.

Comment on Tara's status about Owen.

Lawson wakes at 6:15am.

Angrily tell Adam it's his turn...he doesn't hear me.

Nurse Lawson.

Wake Adam and tell him to try to get him back to sleep.

Adam plays with Lawson while I sleep.

Wake up and nurse Lawson then pump.

Put Lawson in the Ergo carrier, do a load of laundry and pick up the house.

Talk to my Dad about getting with lawyer to review books with Greg. Agree this is ridiculous and we will take our time.

Feed Lawson cereal.

Play on floor with Lawson.

Change a shoo-britches (dirty diaper).

Decide to rock Lawson to sleep and let him sleep on my chest.

Read Mark 2.

Watch "Water for Elephants".

Check my email, respond to emails and check FB.

Feel a tug to buy Kim (Cortney's friend that is a single mother) new baby stuff.

Nurse Lawson.

Go to Costco and Target to buy Kim baby stuff.

Feed Lawson avocado. He loves it when I give Kyndel treats as he eats.

Get Kim's gifts organized.

Rock Lawson for another nap.

Talk to Britt, we both agree we will talk once a week on Wednesday's.

Talk to Cara, she is committed to our SG!

Talk to Gwen about this weekend, first weekend leaving Lawson overnight.

Nurse Lawson.

Cook spaghetti and make salad for dinner.

Lawson plays in a basket in the kitchen while I cook.

Get a text message from Becki aka Grammy. She's been sick:(

Pray with Lawson.

Feed Lawson cereal and avocado.

Clean his face.

Get him ready for bath.

Give Lawson a bath.

Belly kisses, lotion, jammies, bedtime story, prayers and kisses.

Lawson put himself to sleep with no help, atta boy!

Eat dinner, watch Alcatraz and enjoy a glass of wine.

Cory picks up the gifts for Kim.

Clean kitchen...even swept.


Now write blog and wind down.

Lawson, you're 6 months!

Friday, January 20, 2012


You have grown so much. Today was your 6 month doctor appointment with Dr. Clarke at Blue Fish Pediatrics in Memorial City.

You loved playing with the table paper, I think you enjoyed the crinkle sound it made more than anything.

You also LOVED rolling yourself up like a mummy.

You weighed in at a whopping 21 lbs and 5oz (96 percentile), your head circumference was 17.75 (93 percentile) and your height was 26.25 inches (35 percentile).

You did so good with your shots, you are such a tough little guy.

You are rolling over both ways, sitting up with little assistance and saying da-da-da-da-da, ma-ma-ma-ma-ma, and my favorite, gud.

You only wake up once during the night and go right back down after being nursed.

Smiling is one of favorite things to do, you love everyone!

The fisher price puppy from Grammie and your bouncer from Pappy and Gigi are your two favorite toys.

Daddy reads to you almost every night and you seem to just love hearing his voice.

Kyndle makes you giggle when she licks you in the face.

You are my sunshine and such a sweet sweet blessing.

We love you very much!


Genesis 44

Thursday, January 19, 2012

It's so awesome that God changed Judah so drastically. At first he was, in my opinion, a very selfish person (just like me) then God worked a complete change in his personality. This serves as a good reminder or "nugget of truth" that God can and will change even the most selfish personality...if you allow Him to.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Quick rant...
Lately I've been feeling very blah. I haven't been eating like I should or working out so I know that is playing a huge part. Also being a new mom is really hard work. I just feel mentally and physically exhausted. Lawson is still waking up once during the night so that has my sleep pattern all off. Adam and I have our good days and not-so-good days, just being honest. I've got to find some balance.

I know that God is far bigger than my little problems. I've got to trust him daily and be renewed by him daily. God is so good and wants the best for me. I've got to get over myself, which come to find out is rather hard. I'm reminded often of Luke 9:23..."If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." This is actually a key verse we are studying during our new series at Church. God is never subtle with me, there is always a recurring scripture when he is trying to get my attention. Very thankful for that. I've got to start denying myself. Mike preached a great sermon on Sunday which of course included Luke 9:23. He made a great point that everything we want takes a backseat to ANYTHING God wants. He challenged us to take one area where we deny God access and choose instead to deny our self. I'm taking the step to read the word daily, D-A-I-L-Y (yes, even weekends).

Mike also made a great point that we shouldn't be harmless with our faith. Meaning go public, people need to know about our faith (which is one reason I'm sharing this). During this series we are challenged to carry a cross, literally carry a cross on our back for 40 yards 3 or more times a week. Carrying the cross allows us time to deny ourselves, talk with God and go public with our faith. To be totally honest when Mike first suggested this, I immediately thought, no way not going to do that. Monday morning during my quiet time while I was praying I asked God if he wanted me to participate. I told God all the reasons I didn't need to do it and then God made it clear that I was not denying myself and I was making this all about ME. So we went and carried the cross. It felt a little awkward but it was so good to obey and take up the cross and follow my father.

To help me stay in the word daily I'm starting to read along with 1chapteraday.com. I saw this a couple of weeks ago on facebook and felt the tug to start reading along but didn't. It's written by one of the pastors at our Church, Bruce Ammons, who is one cool guy. I'm going to start today reading one chapter daily. I look forward to having some commentary from a pastor I know and trust. I would love it if you would read along with me. Today's reading is from Genesis 43.

Lastly, tomorrow is Lawson's 6 month apt please pray that he doesn't have any pain and doesn't get sick from the shots.

Good night and sleep tight!

Lotts of love,

friday the 13th

Friday, January 13, 2012

so not scary.

i was born on a Friday the 13th.

missed quiet time.

an explosive dirty diaper. away from home. to find only two wipes left. yucky.

a wonderful phone conversation with my best friend, kayla. God is changing things up a bit for my sweet friend.

a surprise text/visit tomorrow from one my favorite people, mindymoo joseph.

a productive day.

trying not to eat a can of Virginia diner, chocolate covered peanut brittle. so delish. from the best mother-in-love ever!

went to visit one of our clients, dr. doshi. lawson got lots of hugs and kisses from all the staff.

visit to memorial city mall to exchange an outfit for a bigger size.

visit to wal-mart to exchange some diapers. lawson is now is a size 4, yikes.

family lunch at panera with dessert.

great company, adams graduate school friend and roommate, Chadwick.

change of plans for dinner.

lawson may actually take a nap for longer than 40 minutes (he's down as i type).

happy birthday to my love

Happy Birthday Adam!

I asked Adam this morning if he felt older, he indeed does. Maybe because we have had so many changes this year and running a business can do that to you!

Adam is the most amazing husband, I'm thankful God choose him for me.

He is so good with Lawson, a very loving daddy!

He is encouraging.

He works very hard to provide for our families needs and even wants.

He is a giver.

He is passionate about his health.

He makes me want to strengthen my relationship with Christ because he is so confident in the Lord.

He makes me feel like the best mom and that nobody could do it like I do.

He loves to make people laugh.

He is so patient.

He is amazing!

Love you babe!

Thank you Joe and Becki for raising such a great son! Thank you Becki for giving birth to him 31 years ago.

Adam taking Lawson with him to grocery store so I could have a little break!

first blog

This is my first time blogging!

I am super excited and have no idea what to write. I'm thinking this will be a fun way to keep track of life because I'm starting to see it really is true it flies by in the blink of an eye.

I work from home for our family owned business, Vexor and as a mom for my son, Lawson who is 4 months old. He is so much fun. He blows bubbles with his spit, smiles and goos all the time. We are trying to teach him good sleep patterns but it's just hard to stay consistent. Some nights he sleeps through and other nights he wakes up once or twice. I just keep telling myself that it's just a season. This week we introduced solids that was a sight.

He made a yucky face like it tasted sour...so yes, I did it, I tasted the cereal. It was just really sweet so I decided to keep on keeping. Far more ended up on his clothes and bib then in his mouth. Next time diaper only with bib of course.
Well it's late. 9:48pm is late these days so I'm gonna sign off. Look forward to telling you about our exciting evening we had tonight under the bridge at St. Joseph Parkway.
