Lawson, you're 6 months!

Friday, January 20, 2012


You have grown so much. Today was your 6 month doctor appointment with Dr. Clarke at Blue Fish Pediatrics in Memorial City.

You loved playing with the table paper, I think you enjoyed the crinkle sound it made more than anything.

You also LOVED rolling yourself up like a mummy.

You weighed in at a whopping 21 lbs and 5oz (96 percentile), your head circumference was 17.75 (93 percentile) and your height was 26.25 inches (35 percentile).

You did so good with your shots, you are such a tough little guy.

You are rolling over both ways, sitting up with little assistance and saying da-da-da-da-da, ma-ma-ma-ma-ma, and my favorite, gud.

You only wake up once during the night and go right back down after being nursed.

Smiling is one of favorite things to do, you love everyone!

The fisher price puppy from Grammie and your bouncer from Pappy and Gigi are your two favorite toys.

Daddy reads to you almost every night and you seem to just love hearing his voice.

Kyndle makes you giggle when she licks you in the face.

You are my sunshine and such a sweet sweet blessing.

We love you very much!



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